DMPonline Pilot

All EPFL schools and many EPFL central services teamed up with the aim to streamline research data management planning

Most of you had already created your DMP (data management plan) or will have to in a feasible feature. It can be either painful and administrative or a value-added and positive experience. With the DMPonline pilot, we aim to minimalise the burden, streamline the process, and make it a valuable and beneficial activity for all research community members. 

DMP is a strategic research document. It aims to describe in enough detail all research data-related elements reflecting the various stages of research and different research-related activities. In simple terms, any DMP can answer the following questions:

  • WHAT data? & WHERE it is?
  • What is the ORGANISATION of data & HOW is data MANAGED? What metadata is available?
  • Who can ACCESS data & what SECURITY measures are in place?
  • What data and where it is PUBLISHED & ARCHIVED? What LICENSE is used.

Currently, DMP is required by most of the funding agencies and some internal processes e.g.ethical approval. However, any research project should consider creating a DMP in order to have a strong current and future understanding of research data. 

By introducing the DMPonline, a web-based tool that can streamline the process of creating the DMP, we aim to address current points of pain by improving user experience. Elements, such as feedback loop and EPFL-tailored advice are directly integrated into the tool. A collaborative approach when creating a new plan is available for you and your team. The basic reusability of crated DMPs is also supported.

You are only a few clicks away. First, create an account. Associate it with SWITCH-ID and you are ready to create your plan. If you used the DMPonline in the past and you already have an account there,  please contact us directly. 

Access to DMPonline

Direct access to DMPonline. DMPonline is a freely available tool that anybody can use. Within this pilot, we are testing a customised version of the tool which includes a feedback loop, template creation and customisation, and tailored EPFL guidance for selected funder templates.

DMPonline log-in guide

When using the tool for the first time, please consult the log-in guide to learn how to create an account and associate it with EPFL. 

DMP-related services

Learn more about research data management services and support available at EPFL.

A note on EPFL Pilot organisation

Although the project was initiated by STI, stakeholders from the whole EPFL were invited and are an equal part of the project from the beginning. The pilot is sponsored by Gilles Dubochet, Head of the Open Science unit. The technical committee of the pilot consist of representatives of all schools and representatives of central services (Data Protection, Library, IT Architecture, IT Security, Research Ofice). 

A note on the selected tool and end-of-life scenario

The number of tools that can specifically support research data management planning is limited. DMPonline was selected as a well-recognised tool with openly available source code that is shared with other tools, such as DMPtool (USA) or DMPopidor (France). All DMPs created during the pilot will not be affected by the result of the pilot. Every DMP will stay available, no access rights or sharing options will be compromised by the result of the pilot. DMPonline stays freely available and your DMP is accessible.