Open Science? How One Can Start with It?
Una is an electrical engineer who wanted to explore biomedical applications for her doctoral studies. She started in neuroscience, but then she moved to the lab of embedded systems, where she found the right combination of electrical engineering and biomedical engineering. As a member of ESL (Embedded Systems Laboratory), she works on projects that focus (…)
From an Idea to Publishing – a Journey of a Research Code
Let’s start with the context. Can you introduce yourself and your work? I am a PhD student at LPAC under the supervision of Prof. Véronique Michaud and Prof. Joël Cugnoni. We are a material science laboratory. My doctorate was set in the context of the EU project HyFiSyn. One of the requirements of the EU projects is to (…)
Open Access Book – the Best Choice for the Reader Community
Can you introduce your book? The book is an introduction to the modelling and understanding of the basic physical phenomena that occur in incompressible fluids and flows. Typical examples of that kind of fluid are water, blood flow in the vascular system, oil, lava, etc. You were thinking about open access option for your book (…)
Open Science Funding – Autumn 2022
ETH Domain Open Research Data (ORD) has an open call for Contribute Projects Track in Measure 1: Calls for Field-Specific Actions. The call aims to support ETH researchers to engage in, and develop ORD practices and to become ORD leaders in their fields. Contribute Projects Track can provide support to researchers who wish to contribute to existing open (…)
Open Science Funding – Summer 2022
Although open science practice is considered a new standard, there are limited funding possibilities to explore, establish and improve open science practices. Are they? ETH Domain Open Research Data and swissuniversities established their own dedicated funding schemes to support exactly this objective. They both jointly organise the Swiss Open Research Data Grants programme. Researchers from (…)
DMPonline Pilot
Most of you had already created your DMP (data management plan) or will have to in a feasible feature. It can be either painful and administrative or a value-added and positive experience. With the DMPonline pilot, we aim to minimalise the burden, streamline the process, and make it a useful and beneficial activity for all (…)