Our labs

Advanced Quantum Architecture Lab

Our research mission is to model and develop hardware/software systems based on quantum devices. Particular emphasis is on high-speed 2D/3D optical sensing, embedded & reconfigurable processing architectures, single photon avalanche devices (SPAD) and design optimization techniques.

Biomedical and neuromorphic microelectronic systems research group

The mission of the BNMS group consists of conducting research in the fields of bio-medical and implantable neurotechnolgy circuits and system, neuromorphic and machine learning integration methods, circuits and systems and non-conventional computing circuits and architectures.

BIOnanophotonic Systems laboratory

We develop ultra-sensitive spectroscopy and sensing technologies for real-time, label-free and high-throughput detection and analysis of very low quantities of biomolecules. We employ a variety of nanophotonic technologies including nanoplasmonics and metamaterials. We integrate our on-chip sensor technologies with micro/nanofluidic systems for efficient analyte trapping and manipulation…

Biorobotics Laboratory (BioRob)

We work on the computational aspects of locomotion control, sensorimotor coordination, and learning in animals and in robots. We are interested in using robots and numerical simulation to study the neural mechanisms underlying movement control and learning in animals, and in return to take inspiration from animals to design new control methods for robotics as well as novel robots capable of agile locomotion in complex environments. We are also interested in rehabilitation robotics, e.g. exoskeletons, and in restoring locomotion.

Computational Robot Design & Fabrication Lab

The CREATE Lab (Computational Robot Design & Fabrication Lab) aims to develop new fabrication and computational design tools for the development of robots with new and exciting capabilities, and to better understand the physical world.

Laboratory of Computational Science and Modeling COSMO

The macroscopic behaviour of materials is determined by the chemical and physical interactions between atoms, averaged over thermal and quantum mechanical fluctuations. At the laboratory of Computational Science and Modelling we simulate matter at the atomic scale, to be able to predict and optimise the properties of materials and molecules starting from fundamental physical principles.

Laboratory of Intelligent Systems

The Laboratory of Intelligent Systems directed by Prof. Dario Floreano explores future avenues of artificial intelligence and robotics at the convergence of biology and engineering, humans and machines.

Programmable Biomaterials Laboratory

We are experts in DNA-nanotechnology, supramolecular polymer self-assembly and cellular particle uptake and stability. We explore how precise spatial organization of molecules can control multivalent binding behavior between soft-matter and cells.

Soft Materials Laboratory

We are part of the Institute of Materials (IMX) at EPFL. We introduce bio-inspired drop-based processes to fabricate microstructured polymeric materials that we optionally stiffen through their targeted mineralization. We characterize their structure-local composition-mechanical property relationship and exploit possibilities to use these materials in the biomedical field and as soft actuators.

Supramolecular Nano-Materials and Interfaces Laboratory

SuNMIL (Supramolecular Nano-Materials and Interfaces Laboratory) is a vibrant group of researchers that combine multiple backgrounds and integrate various disciplines to create and investigate novel materials that tackle the experimental investigation of supramolecular interfaces.

Unsteady flow diagnostics laboratory (UNFoLD)

Our lab specialises in the experimental measurements, analysis, and modelling of unsteady vortex-dominated flow phenomena, with applications in bio-inspired propulsion, wind turbine rotor blade aerodynamics, and gust interactions.