Space Management

For all additional office or space requests please fill in the form.

Here is the list of all STI meeting rooms:

BM1130, BM 3241, BM 5204
ELD 016, ELD 138
ME D1 1518, MED 1615, MED 1815, MED 2423, MEB10

Reservation of meeting rooms:
All requests are to be submitted to the moderators of the meeting rooms. You will find their contact on this webpage.

If you have any questions about the installation of new equipement, please get in touch with us at:

Reminder :

All meeting rooms are for the usage of EPFL collaborators  – as per Article 13 of the Federal Act on the Federal Institutes of Technology .

In case of public events or need for booking of resources by external persons kindly fill the form “Organize an event“.

For more information concerning events, please consult this page.

Space for professors:

  • BM 5138
  • MED 0 2321

Space for collaborators:

  • MEA1 397, MEA1396, MEA1395