Research groups in the Brain Mind Institute develop and deploy technology to gain fundamental knowledge into brain and spinal cord systems. Neuroscience discovery research is a critical foundation towards novel therapies for human brain dysfunction and the development of next generation intelligent computers and machines.
Wulfram Gerstner, Johannes Gräff, Michael Herzog, Kathryn Hess Bellwald, Ana Marija Jaksic, Graham Knott, Gioele La Manno, Henry Markram, Alexander Mathis, Mackenzie Mathis, Brian McCabe, Carl Petersen, James Priestley, Pavan Ramdya, Carmen Sandi, Ralf Schneggenburger, Bernard Schneider, Fides Zenk.
Laboratory of Computational Neuroscience
The Lab of Computational Neuroscience, directed by Prof. Wulfram Gerstner, studies neural networks and computational neuroscience.
Laboratory of Neuroepigenetics
The Lab of Neuroepigenetics, directed by Prof. Johannes Gräff, investigates epigenetic mechanisms of learning, memory and memory loss.
Laboratory of Psychophysics
The Lab of Psychophysics, directed by Prof. Micheal Herzog, investigates human visual information processing with psychophysical methods, TMS, EEG, and mathematical modelling.
Laboratory for Topology and Neuroscience
The Lab for topology and neuroscience, directed by Prof. Kathryn Hess, studies algebraic topology and its applications to neuroscience.
Laboratory of Experimental Evolutionary Neurobiology
The Lab of Experimental Evolutionary Neurobiology, directed by Dr. Ana Marija Jaksic, focuses on experimental exploration of the evolutionary basis of cognition.
Electron Microscopy for Neuroscience
Led by Dr. Graham Knott whose research focus is neuronal plasticity, the Biological Electron Microscopy Facility utilises electron microscopy to study the brain and biological world.
Laboratory of Neurodevelopmental Systems Biology
The Lab of Neurodevelopmental Systems Biology, directed by Prof. Gioele La Manno, focuses on understanding how the cell types in the nervous system are made.
Laboratory of Neural Microcircuitry
The Lab of Neural Microcircuitry, directed by Prof. Henry Markram, is dedicated to understanding the structure, function and plasticity of the neural microcircuits.
Laboratory of Adaptive Motor Control
The Lab of Adaptive Motor Control, directed by Prof. Mackenzie Mathis, aims to reverse engineer the neural circuits that drive adaptive motor behaviour by studying artificial and natural intelligence.
Laboratory of Computational Neuroscience & AI
The Lab of Computational Neuroscience & AI, directed by Prof. Alexander Mathis, employs computational neuroscience and machine learning to understand the algorithms of the brain and build improved artificial intelligence systems.
Laboratory of Neural Genetics & Disease
The Lab of Neural Genetics and Disease, directed by Prof. Brian McCabe, studies neurogenetics with a focus on the biology, activity and disorders of the motor system.
Laboratory of Sensory Processsing
The Lab of Sensory Processing, directed by Prof. Carl Petersen, aims for a causal and mechanistic understanding of sensory perception and associative learning.
Laboratory of Memory Neurobiology
The lab of Memory Neurobiology, directed by Dr. James Priestley, investigates memory and the computational role of the hippocampus.
Laboratory of Neuroengineering
The lab of Neuroengineering, directed by Prof. Pavan Ramdya, reverse-engineer Drosophila to understand how biological systems leverage social information, learn about the world, and generate flexible motor behaviors.
Laboratory of Behavioral Genetics
The Laboratory of Behavioral Genetics, directed by Prof. Carmen Sandi, studies the impact and mechanisms though which stress and personality affect brain function and behaviour.
Laboratory of Synaptic Mechanisms
The Lab of Synaptic Mechanisms, directed by Prof. Ralf Schneggenburger, studies plasticity of specific synapses in learned behaviors.
Gene Therapy for Neuroscience
Led by Dr. Bernard Schneider whose research focus is neurodegeneration, the Bertarelli Foundation Gene Therapy Platform develops and produces viral vectors for research and therapeutic applications.
Laboratory of Neurodevelopmental Epigenomics
The lab of Neurodevelopmental Epigenomics, directed by Prof. Fides Zenk, investigates how chromatin regulates cell fate in the developing human brain using single-cell genomics.