
We propose a Bachelor and Master program in Life Sciences Engineering, as well as four Doctoral programs in biotechnology and bioengineering, computational and quantitative biology, molecular life sciences and neurosciences. Our professors have diverse backgrounds – biology, chemistry, physics, engineering, computer science, psychology and medicine – and bring together their specific perspective to tackle fundamental questions in biological sciences and solve biomedical problems to increase human knowledge and address key societal issues.
Useful links
Prospective Students
Get detailed information about our Bachelor, Master and PhD programs, the admission criteria and process and learn about campus life and available exchange programs.
Organization and Teaching commission
Find out about the academic life on campus, the Teaching commission, the student representatives, the assistant positions and who to contact in the SV Section.
Summer Research Program
The Summer Research Program offers talented Bachelor and Master students worldwide a unique research experience in the laboratories of the EPFL School of Life Sciences combining biology with engineering and computer sciences.
iGEM (International Genetically Engineered Machine) is a synthetic biology competition. Every year 12 EPFL students take the challenge to combine biological, silicon and material compontents to solve problems in areas like diagnostics, energy, environment, nutrition and therapeutics.
Bachelor and Master Students
In case you do not find the information on the website, post your question on the Life Science Engineering programme here.

Currently available Master projects in SV or STI-IBI laboratories
Discover the newly online list of Master projects currently available in the School of Life Sciences!