Bachelor Projects

The third-year Bachelor project is designed to involve students in a laboratory-based project within the field of Life Sciences or Life Sciences Engineering.
EPFL students won SensUs international competition, designing a portable biosensor | © EPFL Alain Herzog

Bachelor projects include hands-on lab experiments and data analysis, with options for theoretical or computational projects. Students can find projects on individual lab websites or discuss them directly with the professor/head of laboratory.

Coursebook Bachelor project (BIOENG-390)

The project can be carried out:

  • During the semester (part-time, approximately 12h/week during 14 weeks; spring BA6) 
  • Between two semesters (full-time, approximately 42h/week during 3-4 weeks; summer before BA5).

Projects are available on the website of SV labs or can be discussed with the supervising professor/ head of laboratory:

There is no additional form to fill for Bachelor projects within SV.

Outside SV
Projects must be approved by the section by submitting the ‘outside SV at EPFL’ form on the
LSE support platform.

For Bachelor projects outside EPFL, students must find an EPFL mentor (Profs, MER) to supervise and evaluate their project.

In academia
Projects must be approved by the section by submitting the ‘outside EPFL in academia’ form on the
LSE support platform.

In industry
Projects must be approved by the section by submitting the
‘outside EPFL in industry’ form on the LSE support platform.

Here are the interdisciplinary MAKE projects that can be validated as Bachelor project in Life Sciences Engineering:

  • iGEM
  • SensUs
  • Genorobotics
  • Designing life with AI
  • EPFL Assistive Technologies Challenge

Students who have validated iGEM as a Bachelor project can validate iGEM lab (6 ECTS credits) during their Master.