
Develop connections with other EPFL curriculums by choosing to pursue a minor.

Students can choose to enrol in a disciplinary or interdisciplinary Minor.

For Master students in Life Sciences Engineering

It is optional and requires at least 30 credits from the corresponding Minor study plan (bottom of the page) validated in Group 2.

Note: Students may validate a Minor or a Specialization, but not both. 

  • Computational Biology
    Informatics section (SIN)
  • Biomedical Technologies
    Microengineering section (SMT)
  • Biotechnology
    Chemical Engineering section (SCGC)
  • Management of Technology and Entrepreneurship
    Management, Technology, and Entrepreneurship section (MTE)
  • Data Science
    Communication systems section (SSC)
  • Engineering for Sustainability
    Environmental Sciences and Engineering section (SSIE)
  • Neuro-X
    Neuro-X section (NX)
  • Physics of Living Systems
    Life Sciences Engineering section (SSV)

Here is the process to register for a Minor:

  1. Choose a Minor (cf options above)
  2. Validate the course choice with the corresponding contact person
  3. Indicate your Minor choice when registering on IS-Academia
    Deadline: beginning of the second semester at the time of FRAC renewal.
  4. Submit the course list or validation form to the section on the LSE support platform for final approval

A minor is successfully completed when 30 credits at minimum have been acquired. These 30 credits replace 30 credits of options in a 120-credits Master program.

Minors/Specializations will be listed in the Diploma Supplements.

Note: No more than 32 credits can be validated for a Minor.

For Master students from other sections

If a Minor is allowed within your curriculum, here are the options offered by the School of Life Sciences.

Physics of Living Systems is a growing field that applies physics principles to address complex biological problems at the molecular, cellular, organism, and population levels.

The courses in this Minor cover topics such as mechanobiology, structural biology, biomedical imaging, and data modeling.

As part of the minor a mandatory 8 credits project is proposed to enable students to apply their knowledge in practice in an EPFL laboratory.

The choice of courses must be confirmed by Prof. Alexandre Persat using this form.

The courses in this Minor cover topics such as genomics, bioinformatics and biomaterials. For students without any background in life sciences the course BIO-105  is highly recommended.

Requirements to validate the SV Disciplinary Minor:

  • At least 2 courses in the “Fundamental courses” Group
  • Students may take one 8 credits lab immersion in the field

The choice of courses must be confirmed by Dr. Alexandra Bezler using this form.


Before 2023-2024 – Requirements to validate the SV Disciplinary Minor

  • SV Minor study plan 2023-2024
  • 3-4 ECTS min. from Bloc 1 “Core courses Life Sciences Engineering”
  • 3-4 ECTS min from Group 1 “Core courses Engineering and Computation”
  • Remaining credits within Group 2 “Options”
  • Students may take one 8 credits lab immersion