School of Life Sciences

The School of Life Sciences fosters education, research and innovation at the interface of engineering and biology to advance the understanding of the living world and solve biomedical problems.


We offer a Bachelor and Master program in Life Sciences Engineering, a Master program in Neuro-X, as well as four Doctoral programs.


Our 58 research groups in 5 institutes operate at the interface of biology, basic sciences, computer sciences and engineering.


We cultivate a climate of exploration and translation of knowledge and technologies to a sustainable benefit of humankind.

Upcoming events

Tech4Growth Conference 2024


Place and room: RLC E1 240
Category: Conferences – Seminars

Bernoulli Center

New developments and challenges in Stochastic Partial Differential Equations


With: Format. The workshop includes the following four mini-courses: Mario Maurelli (University of Pisa): Regularisation by noise Felix Otto (MPI Leipzig): Regularity structures Hao Shen (University of Wisconsin – Madison): Stochastic quantisation Nikolaos Zygouras (University of Warwick): Critical SPDEs In addition, talks will be given by Leonie Canet (Université Joseph Fourier Grenoble Alpes) Sandra Cerrai (University of Maryland) Xue-Mei Li (EPFL) Dejun Luo (Chinese Academy of Sciences) Szymon Peszat (Jagiellonian University) Fabio Toninelli (TU Vienna) Rongchan Zhu (Beijing Institute of Technology) Xiangchan Zhu (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Place and room: Bernoulli Center, GA 3 21
Category: Conferences – Seminars

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Discover the splendid labs and facilities of the Schools of Life Sciences (SV) and Engineering Sciences and Technology (STI)

“Being in a technical school gives us many opportunities”. Watch our interview with the dean of the School of Life Sciences, Andy Oates