ISREC – Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research

Spanning basic and translational cancer research to fundamental cell and developmental biology.

About Us

Learn about cancer and developmental research and our Scientific Advisory Board.

Strategic Initiatives and Partnerships

EICSE – EPFL Initiative for Cancer Science and Engineering

The mission of the EICSE is to integrate the talent and diverse expertise of researchers from multiple EPFL schools to pioneer frontiers of trans-disciplinary cancer research

Swiss Cancer Center Léman – SCCL

A multi-institutional consortium empowered to advance knowledge of disease mechanisms leading to new therapies for cancer patients

Agora Cancer Research Cluster in Lausanne

AGORA Cancer Research Center

A translational cancer research centre with interdisciplinary basic and clinical scientists and bioengineers, fostering progress via proximity in thematic research programs

ISREC Foundation

The ISREC Foundation – namesake of the Institute – has for 50+ visionary years supported impactful cancer research in Western Switzerland, now focused on the AGORA and the SCCL

Seminars and Events

Lola and John Grace Lectures

A monthly series of distinguished lectures in cancer research

Cancer Relevant Seminars and Events

Upcoming lectures and intergroup meetings

ISREC Hike 2024

Our recent ISREC Hike was enjoyed by over 80 members at Les Molésons – already looking forward to next year!


Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research (ISREC)
Director  : Prof. Elisa Oriccho – elisa.oricchio(at)
Administration: Lisa Smith – lisa.smith(at)

Station 19
CH-1015 Lausanne