Access to SV School Premises

General access to SV School buildings (AI, SV and AAB), enables a person to enter the buildings proceed to unsecured laboratory spaces.

Granting this access on a person’s badge will depend on the accreditation of the individual and varies according to the person’s status (staff or host) and function.



SV School Personnel

Any person with a contract of employment, issued by HR, is considered as regular staff. These may be collaborators or doctoral assistants automatically accredited to a unit of the SV School. These persons, as long as they are physically based on the Lausanne campus, inherit through their accreditation general access to the SV School premises, without having to request it.

EPFL Personnel – External to SV School

All EPFL personnel working in non FSV units  but requiring access to AI-SV or AAB buildings for their activities on an regular basis (e.g. use of scientific equipment or access to the core facilities) can request global access to the buildings from the SV Camipro Managers by filling out the request form available here (Google drive, log in with an EPFL email address and Gaspar password).

Note: An EPFL collaborator or student from another School or department who regularly collaborates with a unit of the FSV must be accredited to the latter. The request for accreditation should be addressed to

EPFL Sutdents

EPFL undergraduate students  receive a Camipro card and their specific access to the auditoriums and common areas is managed by the Academic Service.

Any student doing an internship in the laboratories of the SV School, for a period of two months or more, should be accredited to the hosting unit for the duration of the internship. The student thus automatically inherits the access to the laboratory spaces.

Guests, Visitors, Trainees and External Collaborators

Visits of two months or less: Guests, hosts, externs and trainees, visiting any unit of the FSV for less than two months, must apply for a “Guest” card from the Camipro SV Managers by filling out the form here. The card is issued for a maximum period of two months. The completed guest card application form must be presented with a valid ID to the Camipro Managers at the SV Store. A deposit of CHF 50 is required.

Visits of more than two months: Any guest, collaborator of another institution or trainee, carrying out activities in an SV laboratory for a period of more than two months, must be accredited to the hosting unit. A personal camipro card will be issued to the person with the access rights automatically inherited from the accreditation.

IMPORTANT: All visitors, carrying out activities at EPFL, for a duration of more than 8 working days per year, must be announced to Human Resources.

Access Schedule Restriction

All non-regular FSV personnel (visitors, hosts, interns, guests, etc.) will be assigned restricted access hours to the buildings (7:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. Monday through Friday). These hours may be extended with the approval of OHS provided that all mandatory safety training has been completed by the individual and proof of the instructor is provided.

Visits of less than two months: The COSEC of the hosting laboratory is responsible for the individual’s safety training. The form here must be completed and attached to an access request. Both forms must be submitted to OHS for validation and then forwarded to SV Camipro Managers for  access granting.

Visits of two months and more: The person must complete the basic security training in order to obtain extended access hours. The form here must be completed and attached to an access request. Both documents must be submitted to OHS for validation and then forwarded to the SV Camipro Managers for access granting.

Note: All requests for extended access times must be submitted with a valid justification from the head of unit.

Our SV Camipro Managers remain available at the SV Store Desk located in SV 0508 , or by email .