Access to Secured Laboratories

Access to all secured laboratories must be requested separately by filling in the adequate forms below.

Access request to P2 laboratories

Access to P2 laboratories must be requested by filling in the online form below. A validation will then be requested from the personnel responsible of the laboratory and the biosafety coordinator. Access will then be granted when the request is validated.

>> Access request to P2 laboratories <<

Access request to P3 laboratories

Access to P3 laboratories can be requested with the form below, which will need to be validated by the safety delegated in charge of the P3 facility, the line manager of the applicant and the biosafety officer of the SV School.

>> Access request to P3 laboratories <<

Access request to C labs and irradiators

Access to C labs and irradiators is subject to a special procedure supervised by the OHS and the SV School Radiation Protection Expert.

First, the applicant must complete the application form available on this page. A medical examination and training will then be arranged if necessary. Following these and as soon as the application is validated by the OHS, the camipro access to the desired C lab can be requested by email to the radiation protection expert of the FSV, Mrs Geneviève Dayer.


The Camipro Managers of the School of Life Sciences remain available in case of questions and can be contacted by phone, email or in person at the SV Store desk.

Monday to Friday
Mornings: 8:00AM to 12:00PM
Afternoons: 2:00PM to 5:00PM


Phone: 021/693 96 06

Access map