The Glassware Washing Facility provides users of the SV School with white cotton P1 lab coats. These are available in all sizes and, like glassware, they are part of a common stock and are not nominative.
Distribution of clean lab coats
The distribution of BSL1 lab coats takes place in the facilities in AI 0231 and SV 1522, every day, during operating hours, i.e. from 8:00 AM to 12:00 PM and from 2:00 PM to 4:30 PM.
New collaborators of the School of Life Sciences laboratories can receive their first BSL1 lab coats by signing in at the Washing Facility of their respective building during the opening hours. This way, an accurate inventory list of available lab coats can be kept.
Collection of dirty lab coats
Dirty BSL1 lab coats should be returned to the AI 0231 and SV 1522 facilities to be exchanged for clean ones.