The P2 Waste Management Facility provides users with specific blue microfiber gowns for BSL2 work. These are available in different sizes and are splash-proof. They are part of a common stock at the SV School and are not individually identifiable.
Distribution of clean lab coats
The distribution of P2 gowns takes place in the Glassware Washing Facility in AI 0231 and SV 1522, on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM and from 2:00 PM to 4:00 PM.
Collection of soiled lab coats
BSL2 soiled lab coats should be packed in a dedicated red biohazard bag in the BSL2 facility (no other waste should be included in the bags with the labcoats). Bags have to be sealed and labelled and then placed on the BSL2 waste collection areas. They are picked up by the Facility personnel on Tuesdays and Thursdays mornings during BSL2 waste collection.
Labcoats are decontaminated in the Waste Management Facility and then passed on to a company that is part of a cantonal network, which will wash and redistribute them.